Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Bible on TV...what do you think about that? I was pretty excited about the History Channel televising its five Sunday series the Bible. Back in January, I put the March 3rd date on my calendar. Did you see the first installment Sunday night? So, what did you think? Have you had any conversations about what you saw? Jon, Dave, Doug, and I sent numerous texts to each other during the showing Sunday. Here are a few things we "talked" about.
  • In the Sodom and Gomorrah section and the part about the spies over the wall in Jericho, we decided that the angels have some serious Ninja warrior skills with their swords. We agreed that God's Word talks about angels with swords and angels who fight, but in neither of these accounts. It is certainly possible that their portrayal is spot on, but more than likely it is more for a good story and better Nielson ratings.
  • I thought is was clever how they told the creation story with Noah recounting it to his family in the ark.
  • I wish there was more on the fall in the Garden of Eden since that is the reason for all the rest that follows in the Bible - God's redemptive love through Jesus' life and sacrifice.
  • The Red Sea scene with no pillar of fire and no 600 chariots not quite in line with the text. I really wanted to see the pillar of fire.
I have heard some comments, including my own, where person's wished they gave more time to this aspect or that part of the story, but hey they only have ten hours to get through the entire Bible.

There were two things that were said by characters in this first week that I thought were statements that the Holy Spirit could use to begin the Gospel to people's hearts. In the scene where Moses speaks to the elders about what God intends to do (Let my people go), he asks the question - "Who is your creator Pharaoh or God?" Now there lies the crux of the matter for many who are not believers. The other statement I found significant was when the Nile River was turned into blood. On the bank across from Pharaoh and his entourage, Joshua says to Moses - "I will never be a slave again." Isn't that true for all of us who believe in Jesus as Savior and Lord. I am free and recreated not to be a slave to sin again.

So what did you see and hear? What do you think about The Bible presented by the History Channel? How do you intend to start a conversation about it? Comment and let's have a conversation.


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