Friday, January 18, 2013

Is anything real? (Part 2)
So I finished "Is anything real?" yesterday, posted it and thought that would take care of it and lo and behold the story about the hoax involving Manti Te'o the All-American linebacker from Notre Dame hit the news late Wednesday afternoon. I immediately had to reask the question- "Is anything real?"

I'm not going to go into a lot of detail, but for a point of reference in the middle of the college football season a ESPN and other news organizations reported that Manti's grandmother had died and six hours later his girlfriend who was battling leukemia died too!! Wow! What a horrific circumstance for this college senior to deal with. A short time passes and he plays the game of his life against a Big Ten school. Yesterday, the reports began to fly around that Manti found out his girlfriend was a terrible hoax. A joke played on him that is becoming common called "catfishing." In catfishing, someone takes on the identity of a person who becomes romantically attracted to the person being "punked." "Punked"- another term for bad April Fool's joke, or tasteless, cruel prank played on a very unsuspecting person. Know for my generation it is way beyond anything "Candid Camera" ever imagined. "Candid Camera"with Alan Funk? You know- "Smile, you're on Candid Camera!" Black and white TV? I must really be getting old. Anyway...the story will probably go on for days for many questions remain like: Did he really have a relationship with someone he never met but only communicated with through email and phone call? Wasn't he suspicious that this may not be real? Was this girl for real or a real figment his imagination? If it is a hoax, who are the real people behind it? Is Notre Dame real sure they won't to put the entire school's credibility on the line standing with this student athlete? Will the real Manti Te'o please stand up? Do you remember another TV show - "I've Got a Secret?" Three contests come into the studio and each identify themselves as the same person like - "My name is Richard King." The second contestant would say the same thing - "My name is Richard King." The third would say the same. The game was for the panel members to try and determine through a series of questions who the real "Richard King" was. Back to my question - will the real Manti Te'o please stand up? Or will the real (or unreal therefore fictitious) girlfriend please come forward?

Betsy and I really enjoy watching "You've Got Mail" with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. We will watch it every time it is replayed because I like it when the boy gets the girl and there are  "they lived happily ever after" endings. In the movie the two of them have a platonic, email-only, relationship, but along the way Hanks finds out who she is and strikes up a friendship with her without telling her he is her email friend. I have to admit I don't understand the game. A relationship by email and not meeting face-to-face (See "Let's bring back face to face" I wrote on December 11, 2012) to me is know relationship, Its not real.

Yes, you know that there is a point. Yes, I take my time getting there, but you need to understand this is how my brain works. These writings are in the exact order the thoughts come to me. The point: Radiant Relationships as God intended are face-to -ace, honest, engaging, challenging, and REAL. To close, there are two scriptures that show us how God related with Moses. Further, we know how "radiant" that relationship was becuase Moses would come away with a face that glowed so much he had to wear a veil. I have no doubt that the way God related to Moses is a pattern that you and I should follow to have lasting, Christ-honoring, radiant relationships with others. Look closely at every aspect of the friendship and communication level God and Moses had in these two scriptures. Exodus 33:11 - " The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend." Numbers 12:8 - (God speaking)"With him (Moses) I speak face to face clearly and with no riddles; he sees the form of the Lord." Look, look, look at the last passage. Face to face, no facade, no games, no hiding behind computer screens or smart phones, no gags, AND Moses can see God's form (which is a big deal)...he could see him...they met face to face not Facebook to Facebook. No "catfishing." No guessing if this person is being real with you. Don't you long for real, radiant relationships in your life? Is anything real? Relationships can be.


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