Monday, November 26, 2012

Dear reader,
I have no idea where this journey into the world of blogging will take me. I have enjoyed a few forays into writing my thoughts about life as I ponder the Word of God. Of those times, writing the blast emails I sent to our church members during our study in Genesis a couple of years ago was a very enjoyable time for me and hopefully a thought-provoking experience for at least a few souls.My inspiration to give this a try comes from three sources: my daughter who blogs from Zambia, a college student who writes really well (especially from Washington, DC) and a freshman in high school who gets unbelievable insights from God into His marvelous Word.
I know that my "insights" will be amusing to some,"stupid" to others, a starting place of further thought for a few, but hopefully something the Holy Spirit can use to move you (and me) from where we are to a place closer to where He wants us to be. 
Since I am new to blogging, I will make numerous missteaks (or is that mistakes?), have times of serious rabbit-chasing..."squirrel!" (haven't seen that movie?...the A.D.D. times when you get off track in an instant...a flash...the twinkling of an eye?), and because of those factors cause you to think- "What was I thinking (the "I" being you and not me) when I started reading this?" Through it all I hope that something said either causes you to think, remember, or laugh, but at the end thank God for your life and Jesus for your salvation.
Now if I just had something to say...

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